Creating new opportunities to bring the forgotten values of Japan’s monozukuri culture to the next stage
contact usオレンジトーキョー株式会社 ORANGE TOKYO LTD.
世界中の人の足指を解放する To make the feet of the people of the world comfortable with our toe socks
Creating new opportunities to bring the forgotten values of Japan’s monozukuri culture to the next stage
contact usUsing meriyasu knit material that has its roots in our community as a base, we work on projects, items, and retail development passionately through our new business model that encompasses the values found in Japanese monozukuri and kotozukuri culture. In 2012, Meri, our original brand of zori slippers, was launched. The next year, we launched…
Corporate Philosophy企業理念 Make sure everyone involved is happy 関わるすべての人を幸せにする Management Philosophy経営理念 Pass down skills cultivated through the generations 培われた技術を生かし継承していく Business Philosophy事業理念 To make the feet of the people of the world comfortable with our toe socks 世界中の人の足指を解放する
The color orange has many different meanings. Energetic, active, creative, brilliant, adventurous, vivacious, lively, shining, confident, autonomous, cheerful, joyful, taking pride in your work, the wish to protect not only yourself, but others, including animals, plants, and goods as well… Orange has all of these meanings and more. We want to take in the positive…